Saturday, June 4, 2016

Thursday's Assignment June 2, 2016
Here are your tasks
  1. Read this news article for the facts.
  2. Discuss any difficulties of enforcement with a partner.
  3. Write a letter to the editor with your recommendations.
 My suggestion is unpaid internships are illegal.  The intern must be paid at least the Ontario minimum wage ($10.25 per hour for most employees).
Ask thoughtful questions during the interview process such as:
How do interns benefit from the experience of this internship?

What are the expected work hours for interns?

Can you describe the day-to-day tasks expected of an intern?

What type of training or guidance is provided?

Do internships lead to employment at your company?

When you entry, you have to have a contract with the company. If you feel you’ve been taken advantage of as an intern or have additional questions regarding your rights. You can request for legal aid。

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wednesday's Assignment June 1, 2016
Here are your tasks

    ESA----Employment Standards Act
 ESA is for most workers in Ontario. It does not apply to workers in federally-regulated industries, such as banks and transportation.

1.What are your greatest concerns about workers' rights in Canada?

   My greatest concerns are about that Employers have to treat workers fairly and offer better working conditions.

2. Is it whether your immigration status as a newcomer is a factor? 
    Immigration status does not matter. I do not need to be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or holder       of a work permit to be covered by the ESA.

3. Are you worried about age or racial discrimination?
   Yes. I am worried. This is a sensitive issue. 
      a. The boss did not hire me.
      b. The boss hired me later, if these problems occur. I will be able to pick up the legal weapons to defend myself.

4.  Is it about holiday pay or overtime work?
     overtime begins once an employee has worked more than 44 hours in a work week. This means that they must receive overtime pay for time worked in ...
      holiday pay If the employee agrees to work during the public holiday, the employee can receive regular pay for the holiday worked plus a substitute holiday with “public  holidays pay”.

5.  Or whether you could join a union?
    Every situation is different. For now, I do not need to because I have no job.
 If one day, I get a job. I could join a union. I'll be protected by a union. If  I am experiencing problems in the workplace. I may ask them for help.
 Usually, union dues are taken off from my pay cheque.